music of the seas of the world! come celebrate, on docks of paimpol, the celtics stop over
of the festival of sailor's song.
a celebrated port, a lot of conviviality,music, lots of music, boats, many boats,
and... 130 000 visitors
a human size succes
around the world in music
2011 : celtic stop over
Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Galicia, Asturias, Brittany.....
a growing up festival
yes.... a festival that grows and grows.... comfort and safety of visitors remain one of the main
concerns of the organizers. from 60 000 to 130 000 spectators in few editions, the festival
must adapt to its growing success. this is why the great "Stan hugill" scene will be moved a few
steps from the port. that will make easier the pedestrian traffic on the docks and will improve
the comfort of the spectators.
the Americas, the theme for 2011 is "Celtic stop over"
then the festival will explore in music the Celtic world, Asturias in Ireland and in Galicia, from
Cornwall to Wales and Scotland, without forgetting Brittany, neither the celtic diaspora.
a kind of coming back home, before taking, in 2013, to the open sea the long trip more far away.
of course this choice will not prevent the festival to keep a few open windows on other music of
the world.
sailor's songs will be on the docks like "at home", and also shinny music, marching bands,
bagad, some festou-noz, exhibitions, many tastings of local products.
nearly three hundred traditional boats will take place in the basin n°1, and will contribute,
with their colourful sails, to give a feast atmosphere to the old port of paimpol.