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the ULM club of Kerfot is located 4 km from paimpol, in brittany. you dreamed of flying,
the 30 years experience of the club will allow you to make it real.
the ULM club "la paimpolaise" is the only place in brittany that gives you the opportunity
to flight on 3 different kind of ULM: the pendulum (sail of hang-glider), the gyroplane(small
helicopter), and muti-axix(small aircraft).
these first flight of 20 ,40, or 60 minutes are accessible to all, throughout the year.
during summer the club makes not less than 15 first flights per week!
the region of paimpol is full of sites to flight over: the goelo coast, the tower of kerroch,
pors even, the mill of craca, etc....
the club "la paimpolaise" is a school well known in France, people coming from all over
the country come here to take courses.