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elaborated by the earth's magma,shaped by erosion, the pink granite coast gave its name to the shoreline between perros guirrec and trebeurden: the pink granite coast, wonder of north brittany.
landscape shaws isolated giant blocs that are emerging from heath on the coast, piles of rock defying weightlessness. overlooking the sea, sometimes hiding creeks with secret beaches away from the crowd of the summer visitors.
you need to visit these wild landscapes by foot. use the former customs paths. it will allow you to discover plenty of colour and smells, which change over day or seasons.
the best known is the path that pass by the spit of ploumanac'h.it is considered as one of the greatest natural sites of brittany. take at least half a day to visit.
to learn more about the other possibilities for walks, go to the " maison du littoral", near the
lighthouse of ploumanac'h.
it also suggest exhibits to better understand how the granite has contributed to life of this part of the coast.